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Türkçe Makale
All Azimuth Talks
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Online First
Publication Guidelines
Research Article
Special Issue
Türkçe Makale
All Azimuth Talks
Editorial Board
Advisory Board
Current Issue
Volume 14, Number 1
All Azimuth
is an
ISSN (print): 2146-7757
ISSN (online): 2757-9026
Indexed by
Web of Science Core Collection
Current Issue
Turkey and the US in the Middle East: A Case for Alliance Change
Meliha Benli Altunışık
The Deinstitutionalization of U.S. and Turkish Foreign Policy: Why Societal Ties Are an Anchor in Bilateral Relations
Andrew O’Donohue
Where is the Anchor? Explaining the Endurance of the American-Turkish Partnership, 1927-2024
Onur Erpul and Kemal Kirişci
A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Turkish Public Opinion towards the United States
Efe Tokdemir, Melike Metintaş and Seçkin Köstem
Challenging Friends: Türkiye-U.S. Relations
Lenore G. Martin
The Alliance in the Storm: Geopolitical Representation of the United States in the Turkish Parliament during Détente
Ayşe Ömür Atmaca
Costly Incrementalism: U.S. PKK Policy and Relations with Türkiye
Richard Outzen
Online First
The Hegemonic Transition in Latin America: To What Extent is China Challenging US’s Hegemony?
Andoni Maiza-Larrarte and Ricardo Bustillo-Mesanza
Ontological Security with its Widening and Deepening Boundaries: An Evaluation through a Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review Lens
Sevgi Balkan-Şahin and Özge Çetiner
Power Shifts and Knowledge Production: India’s Rise and Scholarship in International Relations
Aksel B. Hvid, Fabricio H. Chagas-Bastos, and Peter Marcus Kristensen
All Azimuth Debate: Gradual Reform or Revolution? Pathways to Global IR
Ayşe Zarakol and Ersel Aydınlı
The Functioning of Normative Power in the Logic of the EU and China
Emrah Yıldırımçakar
Forum: Fostering Cooperation in Conflict Research Beyond Borders
Efe Tokdemir, Ilker Kalin, Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Deniz Aksoy, David B. Carter, Cyanne E. Loyle, Seden Akcinaroglu and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Popular Articles
The Dark Side of the Moon: An Ever-Fragmenting Discipline and Turkish IR in “the Outer Periphery”
Haluk Özdemir
An Empirical Analysis of the Women and Peace Hypothesis
Malek Abduljaber and İlker Kalın
Exogenous Dynamics and Leadership Traits: A Study of Change in the Personality Traits of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Ali Balcı and İbrahim Efe
Neo-Weberian Reading of Violent Non-State Actors: The Case of Hezbollah
Mustafa Yetim
U.S. Democracy Aid and the Conditional Effects of Donor Interests, Media Attention and Democratic Change, 1975-2010
James M. Scott, Charles M. Rowling, and Timothy M. Jones
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Journal Impact Factor (2023): 0.7
5 Year Impact Factor: 0.9
Most Cited (as of July 2024)
Widening the ‘Global Conversation’: Highlighting the Voices of IPE in the Global South
Melisa Deciancio and Cintia Quiliconi
International Relations (IR) Pedagogy, Dialogue and Diversity: Taking the IR Course Syllabus Seriously
Nathan Andrews
Discourse Analysis: Strengths and Shortcomings
Senem Aydın-Düzgit & Bahar Rumelili
Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order
H. Tarik Oguzlu
Reshaping International Relations: Theoretical Innovations from Africa
Karen Smith
Widening the World of IR: A Typology of Homegrown Theorizing
Ersel Aydınlı