Manuscripts submitted for consideration by the Journal must follow the style given below. The manuscripts should not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication, nor may they have been previously published elsewhere, in English. However, articles that are published previously in another language but updated or improved can be submitted. For such articles, the author(s) will be responsible for seeking the required permission for copyright.
Please note that All Azimuth only publishes original research articles. It does not publish book reviews or other review articles except by commission. We look forward to receiving submissions that offer analytical answers to research questions found in the literature. We are particularly interested in novel theorizing and conceptual articles, not to mention articles that use novel methods or seek to introduce a database or other scholarly repository that can benefit the discipline. We do not publish descriptive or historical research. Policy-oriented articles are welcome but must provide their insights through an appropriate analytical framework mindful to showcase the necessary theoretical, conceptual, and methodological heft as needed. All publications must take great care to explain their novelty and contribution to their relevant field.
You can use above list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Manuscripts should be submitted through the: Submission Form
If you have any questions, please send us an email:
Special Issue Guidelines
All Azimuth welcomes proposals for special issues on a rolling basis. This document provides guidelines for submitting proposals for special issues that align with the journal’s focus on peace, security, conflict, development, and other closely related subjects.
Proposal Submission
Authors interested in proposing a special issue should submit a comprehensive proposal to the journal’s editorial office via . The proposal should include the following information:
Article Selection and Peer Review Process
Each article included in the special issue will undergo an independent and blind peer-review process to ensure the highest quality and integrity of the published work. Authors will be notified of the editorial decision based on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations.
The guest editor(s) are expected to work closely with the authors to ensure the timely revision of accepted articles, addressing reviewers’ comments and meeting the journal’s formatting and style requirements.
You can use above list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Manuscripts should be submitted through the: Submission Form
If you have any questions, please send us an email:
Türkçe Makale Gönderme Rehberi
“Merkez” ve “çevre” arasında akademik diyaloğu teşvik etmek, alanda temsil edilmeyen kavramsal yaklaşımlara yer vermek, çeşitli konular ve araştırma geleneklerinden yayınları teşvik etmek amacıyla, All Azimuth bundan sonra Türkçe makaleleri de değerlendirmeye alacaktır.
Türkçe makale göndermek isteyen yazarlar, öncelikle makale fikrini 500 kelimeyi geçmeyecek bir özetle birlikte [] adresi üzerinden editoryal ofis ile iletişime geçmelidir. Özet, araştırma sorusu, çalışmanın önemi, metodoloji ve sonuçlarını ve varsa etkilerini özetlemelidir.
Editöryal ofis tarafından değerli ve yayınlanabilir bulunan özetler, tam makale gönderimi için davet edilecektir. Bu prosedürü takip etmeden doğrudan yapılan başvurular reddedilecektir.
Makalenin davet edilmesi, yayınlanacağına dair bir garanti değildir. Makaleler, bağımsız hakem değerlendirme sürecinden geçtikten sonra yayına uygun olup olmadığı editoryal ofis tarafından karar verilecektir.
Tam makale gönderimi için davet edilen yazarlar, derginin genel kurallarına uygun bir şekilde başvurularını tamamlamalıdırlar.
Barış, güvenlik, çatışma, kalkınma ve ilgili konulardaki akademik literatüre katkıda bulunacak makale tekliflerinizi bekliyoruz. Herhangi bir soru veya açıklama için lütfen editoryal ofisle adresinden iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Barış, güvenlik, çatışma, kalkınma ve ilgili konulardaki akademik literatüre katkıda bulunacak makale tekliflerinizi bekliyoruz. Herhangi bir soru veya açıklama için lütfen editoryal ofisle adresinden iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
General Practices:
All Azimuth follows a double-blind peer review process. Although processing times may vary, most manuscripts are processed by the editorial staff within two weeks, by which time the editors decide if an article is to be rejected or merits the review process. Each round of reviews may take up to 6 weeks. Manuscripts need two affirmative reviews before they can be considered for publication. Pending the suggestions by the reviewers, an article may be accepted, rejected, or require revisions. In the last case, the author(s) will be given the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the manuscript based on, and addressing, the reviewers’ comments. This process is repeated until a manuscript is decisively accepted or rejected. In the case of an inconclusive review process, the editorial board may contact additional reviewers.
Only submissions that are submitted through the Journal’s online submission form will be considered for publication.
All Azimuth is an open access journal. Once accepted for publication, manuscripts will be made available online. There are no publishing fees.